NSO issues call for Statistical Services for Construction Survey 2018

The National Statistics Office is inviting submissions from persons/organisations interested in the provision of services related to construction projects. The Construction survey forms part of the Purchasing Power Parities Survey.  Pricing a construction project involves collecting unit prices with which to value its components and summing the values obtained to arrive at a total price for the project. PPPs for construction are calculated with the total prices for a set of construction projects. The set covers three types of structures: residential buildings, non-residential buildings and civil engineering works.

Interested persons/organisations shall include in their proposals the following information:

a) Name of submitting person(s)/organisation;

b) Contact information for person(s) authorised to represent the submitting person(s)/organisation;

c) A outline brief of how the above mentioned objectives will be meet;

d) An indication of the expenditure outlays of the entire project.

Those interested should submit their proposals to the Prices Unit, National Statistics Office by not later than the 16th of March 2018 by e-mail on denise.magrin@gov.mt.