

PR 04/20 | Quality of life and public safety should under pin future of construction industry

Verżjoni bil-Malti

The Kamra tal-Periti met with Prime Minister Robert Abela, Minister Aaron Farrugia, Minister Ian Borg and Parliamentary Secretary Chris Agius yesterday afternoon to discuss the two public safety crises that have engulfed our country: the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic and the lack of adequate regulation in the construction industry, which recently led to the premature demise of Miriam Pace.


Construction industry crisis

On the construction industry crisis, Kamra tal-Periti President, Simone Vella Lenicker, acknowledged the role of some members of the profession. She also acknowledged the fact that Government had recognised the need for change, which it committed to implementing in the Letter of Commitment signed in August 2019. This outlined a number of reforms which the Kamra has been striving for, including:

  • The licensing and classification of contractors by the State to ensure they are qualified to shoulder their responsibilities, and give the public and consumers peace of mind;
  • The consolidation of laws and regulations whose remit is scattered in 22 different public entities;
  • The introduction of regulations covering the design of permanent works which would fall under the responsibility of periti and engineers, and the execution of temporary works which would fall under the responsibility of contractors, thereby providing simplicity and clarity of the roles within the industry;
  • The enactment of the long-overdue amendments to the Periti Act.

Vella Lenicker welcomed the Prime Minister’s statement in Parliament that responsibilities on site should follow the Civil Code, which underscores the symmetric responsibilities of periti and contractors. To this end, she called on Government to revise LN 136 of 2019 to eliminate the ambiguities about site responsibilities that it brought about.

Government must also look at the issues besetting the industry in a holistic and comprehensive manner, as the Kamra tal-Periti has been calling for since 2007. Among these issues was the ill-advised obsession of the Planning Authority to insist on the indiscriminate provision of underground carparking, which is leading to the dangerous practice of excavating between party walls in narrow sites, as well as causing wider problems of waste management, traffic, air pollution and a rapid deterioration of the quality of life of Malta’s citizens.

Prime Minister Abela welcomed the Kamra’s contributions and detailed recommendations and looked forward to collaborating further with the Kamra in introducing the necessary reforms in the industry.


COVID-19 Pandemic

Vella Lenicker outlined the profession’s concerns about the risks to public safety should a national lockdown be announced suddenly. She explained that it is not advisable to abruptly shut down all construction sites, as some may present a greater risk to public safety if they are abandoned without the necessary precautions being put in place to ensure structural stability. She also stated that there may also be instances where properties may require urgent maintenance or repairs during the lockdown period, and provisions should be made for such situations.

It was agreed that, although there is no indication as yet from the public health authorities that a lockdown is imminent, separate discussions would be held with the relevant Ministries to prepare for such an eventuality should it arise.





CIR 04/20 | COVID-19 Precautionary Measures in view of potential site closures // Update 2

The COVID-19 situation in Malta is, as you are aware, progressing, with local transmissions now being recorded. While there is no official indication of a potential lockdown situation as at the time of writing, it is important that we prepare ourselves for this eventuality.

The Kamra tal-Periti will issue Directives as required and as the situation evolves.



Reference is to be made to the Kamra’s Circular 03/2020 which proposes various measures to be taken by your office to practise social distancing, as recommended by the Authorities. The Kamra notes with satisfaction that many offices have already implemented these measures. Following a survey carried out across the profession, to which 105 offices submitted their replies by 1pm on the 17th March 2020, the following results were registered:

You are encouraged to continue putting these measures into effect, and to encourage your colleagues and other professionals to do the same.



It is recommended that you immediately carry out a preliminary risk assessment of open sites under your supervision, and that you classify them as follows:

  1. Sites which currently involve primarily Demolition and/or Site Clearance Works
  2. Sites which currently involve primarily Excavation Works
  3. Sites which currently involve primarily Construction Works
  4. Sites which currently involve primarily Works related to Finishes and Services


For each of the above Classifications, identify the risks that may arise in the hypothetical scenario of a Government-imposed instantaneous lockdown of the construction industry, as follows:

  1. Risk to structural stability of site and/or to adjacent parties*
  2. Risk of significant damage to site and/or to adjacent parties*
  3. Risk of minor damage to site and/or adjacent parties*
  4. No risk to site and/or adjacent parties*

* “adjacent parties” includes private third parties and their property, the general public, and/or public property


The periti who responded to the survey are responsible for 725 active sites. The type of works currently being undertaken are primarily as follows:

It is recommended that all efforts are focussed on those works which pose a risk to the site and/or to adjacent parties during this current Stage, in order to minimise such risks pending further notices from Government regarding a potential lockdown.


In all cases of ongoing works, it is recommended that you communicate with your Client,  their appointed Contractor/s and Project Supervisors (in terms of LN 88 of 2018), in order to assess the evolving situation and to identify the risks, if any, in terms of potential spread of the virus on the site itself. This should include confirmation in writing from all persons on site that they have not travelled in the past three weeks, and that they have not been in contact with persons who travelled in the past three weeks – in case of persons who do not meet these criteria, request that these are not allowed to access the site, and that they follow the measures imposed by Government regarding self-quarantine. In case of non-compliance, report to the Commissioner of Police on 2122 4001-9 or​


If works are being carried out in confined spaces, and these can be postponed, liaise with the Client and the contractor accordingly in the interest of public health and safety.

It is also recommended that, together with the Client, Contractor/s and Project Supervisor, you prioritise those works that may pose a threat to the site itself and/or to adjacent third parties, including works relating to water-tightness.


It is also recommended that, in agreement with the Client, you postpone the commencement date of any new works until after the pandemic is declared to be over.



Although no indication has been given by Government of an immediate lockdown situation that would affect the industry, it is nevertheless important to be prepared for such eventuality.


The Council of the Kamra tal-Periti has communicated with Government in this regard and is awaiting feedback. The Council will update you as soon as possible in this respect.


Perit Simone Vella Lenicker



PR 03/20 | Reforming the building industry

Verżjoni bil-Malti

Prime Minister Dr Robert Abela yesterday announced the setting up of a panel of experts tasked with reviewing the current suite of building and construction regulations, and to make its recommendations directly to him on the changes that are required to ensure that the construction industry is better regulated in the interest of public safety.

The Kamra’s proposals for A Modern Building and Construction Regulation Framework for Malta, which were published in May 2019 after two years of research, already present an in-depth analysis of the grossly inadequate building and construction regime currently in place in its first three chapters, including the absence of registration, licensing and training of contractors and labourers.

The document, which was formulated by a team of experts in the field appointed by the Kamra, constitutes a comprehensive and thorough review of the current situation, analyses the problems, and provides solutions which are also informed by research on systems which have been tried and tested in other countries. The Kamra’s proposals were unanimously approved by the profession at an Extraordinary General Meeting held in June 2019.

This document was subsequently presented to the key stakeholders, namely the Chamber of Engineers, the Chamber of Commerce, the Building Industry Consultative Council, the Building Regulation Board, the Building Regulation Office, the Building and Construction Agency, the Planning Authority, the Malta Developers’ Association, and the Malta Insurers Association. All these entities and organisations endorsed the Kamra’s proposals. There is industry-wide consensus that such proposals are both necessary and desirable.

The proposals were also presented to the European Commission and the Opposition, as well as to Government which, through a Letter of Commitment issued in August 2019, recognised the need for a comprehensive reform of the building and construction industry, and committed itself to implement the Kamra’s proposals.

The Kamra tal-Periti therefore invites the panel to review its document to ensure that no time is wasted in proceeding with the necessary reforms.





PR 02/20 | Crisis is far from over

Verżjoni bil-Malti

The Kamra tal-Periti is deeply saddened by Monday’s tragedy which prematurely claimed the life of Miriam Pace, forever shattering her family’s serenity as a result of yet another serious construction incident. The Kamra tal-Periti expresses its heartfelt condolences to the victim’s family.

It is painfully clear that the crisis that befell the building and construction industry last year has not been resolved through the hastily drafted regulations that were brought into force in July 2019.

The calls which the Kamra has been making since 2007 for a comprehensive reform of the construction industry have regrettably not been heeded. It took the three collapses that occurred in quick succession in 2019 for the Kamra tal-Periti to eventually secure a written commitment from Government to implement its three main demands for reform in the interest of public safety.

The first reform consists in the setting up of the Building and Construction Authority, that will be tasked with implementing the proposed building and construction regulation framework “A Modern Building and Construction Regulation Framework for Malta published by the Kamra tal-Periti in May 2019. This framework focussed on a number of principles including:

  • The consolidation under the new Authority of the regulatory functions currently dispersed in at least 24 government departments and authorities;
  • The issuance of a comprehensive set of building and construction regulations in line with those in force in other European countries;
  • The obligatory registration, licensing and classification of contractors and skilled labourers, coupled with rigorous training and education.

The second reform is the promulgation of a revised law to regulate periti to ensure that the profession can modernise itself, that the Kamra’s role to hold warrant holders accountable is strengthened, and that mandatory professional indemnity insurance and continuous professional development are introduced, among other important measures.

The third demand consisted in the repeal of LN 136 of 2019 as part of the overhaul of the regulatory framework. The Kamra has consistently maintained that the regulations brought into force last year did not adequately address the crisis, but rather made the situation worse by adding further confusion on the roles and responsibilities on construction sites.

Despite Government’s commitment in writing to take on the necessary measures, the much-needed reforms have not as yet been implemented. Some initial progress has been registered through the setting up of the Building and Construction Agency, which remains however severely under-resourced and incapable of tackling the complexities of the building industry. There has been little progress in all other areas.

Various sectors such as blockchain, artificial intelligence and gaming have received Government’s deserved attention over recent years, yet the construction industry, which is one of the main contributors to the country’s GDP, remains the most unregulated one, claiming the lives of innocent persons on an all too regular basis.

Government is called upon to demonstrate firm resolve to urgently but diligently bring about the necessary reforms.

The Kamra remains committed to ensure that the profession acts with utmost diligence and to assist Government in implementing the overdue reforms, and to offer its support and technical resources to Government to ensure that its reform proposals, which received strong support from all industry stakeholders, are brought into force as quickly as possible in the interest of public safety.





PR 28/19 | Kamra tal-Periti celebrates three important dates in its calendar

Verzjoni bil-Malti

The Kamra tal-Periti joins its European and global counterparts in celebrating three important days which remind us of the important role the profession has in ensuring a better environment for all mankind.


World Habitat Day 2019

World Habitat Day was established in 1985 by the United Nations General Assembly, and was first celebrated in 1986. The United Nations designated the first Monday of October of every year as World Habitat Day to reflect on the state of our towns and cities, and on the basic right of all to adequate shelter. It also reminds us that we all have the power and the responsibility to shape the future of our cities and towns.

Building on last year’s theme (Municipal Solid Waste Management), the theme for 2019 is: Frontier Technologies as an innovative tool to transform waste to wealth. Technology has great potential to improve how people work and live, to significantly accelerate efforts to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals and address climate change. Frontier technologies, such as automation, robotics, electric vehicles, renewable energy technologies, biotechnologies, and artificial intelligence can transform the social, economic and environmental spheres. They can offer better, cheaper, faster, scalable and easy to use solutions for every-day problems, including waste management. The task ahead is to harness frontier technologies to achieve sustainable waste management while mitigating their possible adverse economic, social and political consequences.


World Architecture Day 2019

In 1986, the International Union of Architects (UIA) established World Architecture Day to coincide with World Habitat Day, with the aim to draw the attention of professionals and the public to issues concerning cities and housing. The theme chosen for 2019 is “Architecture … housing for all”.

More than one billion of the 7.5 billion human beings on our planet live in places they build for themselves, using whatever materials they can scavenge, on whatever land they can claim, often tenuously. Millions lack permanent shelter altogether, as refugees and persons displaced by conflict and calamity. Architects around the world will be considering how design has an essential role in alleviating human suffering, reducing planetary burdens, and enhancing the quality of life for everyone.


European Engineers Day 2019

Every 5th October, the European engineering organisations ECEC (European Council of Engineers Chambers), FEANI (European Federation of National Engineering Associations), ECCE (European Council of Civil Engineers), together with ENAEE (European Network for Accreditation of Engineering Education) celebrate European Engineers Day to draw attention to the importance of securing the availability of excellent engineering solutions in Europe. The impact of engineering is visible in every aspect of human life, through increasingly more sophisticated inventions, techniques and equipment, and this Day is a good opportunity to remind the profession of the importance of achieving excellence in their respective fields.


For further information visit:


PR 26/19 | New Building and Construction Agency

Verzjoni bil-Malti

The Kamra tal-Periti welcomes the establishment of a new Building and Construction Agency through the publication of Legal Notice 192 of 2019. This new Agency is the precursor of the Building and Construction Authority that will be set up in the coming months, and which Government is committed to establish as outlined in the Letter of Commitment addressed to the Kamra tal-Periti last week.

The new Agency is tasked with the design, implementation and dissemination of policies together with the consolidation and review of laws and regulations, in the form of a national building code, as well as with carrying out all the necessary preparations to set up the Building and Construction Authority.

This is an important milestone in ensuring better regulation of the industry, and the Kamra tal-Periti looks forward to presenting its proposals outlined in A Modern Building and Construction Framework for Malta to the Agency, with a view towards implementing them in the near future.




PR 25/19 | Government commits to major reforms in the construction industry

Verzjoni bil-Malti

Legal Notice 136 of 2019 regarding the Avoidance of Damage to Third Party Property Regulations, 2019, came into force on the 25th June 2019. This was later amended through Legal Notice 180 of 2019, which came into force on the 29th July 2019, and which removed the obligation of the perit in charge of the project to approve the Site Technical Officer appointed by the contractor, as well as widening the pool of persons authorised to provide such services through the inclusion of those in possession of a Bachelor of Engineering.

In the period between the publication of the two Legal Notices, the Council of the Kamra tal-Periti worked incessantly to ensure that the interests of the profession are safeguarded, and that public safety is placed at the forefront. In particular, it is to be noted that the Kamra’s primary contentions with the Legal Notice revolved around the fact that periti are the only actors on construction sites who are properly regulated, while all other actors operate in an unregulated manner, to the extent that the industry had reached, in the Kamra’s own words, a state of crisis.

Although the Legal Notice as amended only reflects two of the changes requested by the Kamra, significant progress has been made on various other overarching and important matters that impact the industry, and which have been recorded in a Letter of Commitment presented by Government to the Kamra tal-Periti yesterday.

The commitments made by Government include the establishment of a new Authority to regulate the building and construction industry, and that this will be accompanied by the promulgation of new building and construction regulations in line with the Kamra’s proposals published last May. This will be accompanied by the long-awaited registration, licensing and classification of contractors and skilled labourers by Government, and in line with the Kamra’s proposals, thus ensuring that liabilities are carried by the professional and the contractor in a more equitable manner in line with the Civil Code. The new regulations will clearly delineate the various responsibilities to be carried by each of the participants on a construction site, which will, in the interim period, be addressed by Forms of Contract to be published shortly by the Kamra tal-Periti. The new regulations will also address liability periods of the participants on a construction site, bringing them in line with existing European models.



Government is also committed to table in Parliament, immediately after the summer recess, various amendments to the Periti Act, which currently regulates the profession. Such amendments have been the subject of discussions with subsequent governments since 2007, and there is now convergence on most of the proposed amendments. The Kamra tal-Periti looks forward to concluding discussions in line with the direction given by the members of the profession at its various General Meetings, and to the successful conclusion of this matter.



In terms of Legal Notice 136 of 2019, as amended, various aspects were agreed, including the establishment of a register, to be published by the Building Regulation Office, of persons who are competent to provide the services of a Site Technical Officer, the amendment of the various forms that are to be submitted to the Building Regulation Office to be in line with the latest Legal Notice and the processes agreed to between Government and the Kamra, and the eventual integration of the provisions of the Legal Notice in the regulations that will be eventually established under the Act regulating the new Authority.

The Kamra notes with satisfaction that practically all of the motions approved by its Extraordinary General Meetings held on the 21st June 2019 and the 5th July 2019 have been successfully addressed and there is now a recorded commitment by Government to implement significant reforms to the industry. The Council of the Kamra tal-Periti is confident that there is the political will to ensure a comprehensive reform of the building and construction industry, as also outlined in the Kamra’s document A Modern Building and Contruction Regulation Framework for Malta (May 2019) which has already received the support of all the stakeholders who have been consulted to date.


Government has clearly acknowledged the fact that an overhaul of the construction industry is not only necessary but also desirable to ensure that it moves forward in a sustainable manner. Although addressed to the Kamra tal-Periti, the Letter of Commitment is an important milestone for all actors in the industry, including the general public. The Kamra looks forward to being a primary participant in ensuring that the agreed reforms are implemented in the coming weeks and months.






PR 24/19 | Premju Emanuele Luigi Galizia 2019 recognises the sterling work of the profession

Verzjoni bil-Malti

It was a hundred years ago, on the 25th July 1919, that Herbert Plumer, then Governor of Malta, brought into force the Architects’ Ordinance, which governed the profession of Land Surveyor and Architect and paved the way for the establishment of the profession of Architect and Civil Engineer (Perit) as we know it today. The Kamra tal-Periti marked this occasion with the second edition of the Premju Emanuele Luigi Galizia, which celebrates the work of the local profession and recognises excellence in architecture, civil engineering, urban regeneration and interior design.

The profession is characterised by gestures and interaction with physical space, and it was therefore fitting to accompany the Premju Galizia with a public exhibition of some of the best projects the profession has produced over the past year. Projects that range from the national scale, such as the two urban regeneration finalist projects, to more intimate interior design projects.

This exhibition, which will run until the 2nd August 2019 at the Ġnien il-Biskuttin adjacent to the Christ the King monument in Floriana, is representative of the breadth and diversity of the profession’s competences and skills, and is intended, in part, to counterbalance the negative perception surrounding the industry, of which the profession forms part.

Design has a direct impact on our quality of life and the environment. The Kamra tal-Periti is firmly committed to assist government in every which way to ensure that our urban environment makes a marked shift towards ever higher quality and standards.

The Awards were presented during an elegant Gala Dinner held on the 25th July 2019 at the Phoenicia Hotel, with over 200 periti and guests in attendance. The excitement and comraderie were palpable, as this event served as yet another occasion for the profession to come together, share its successes, and discuss important issues that affect it on a day to day basis.

The following is a list of the winners of the various Awards:


President’s Award for Best Overall ProjectChris Briffa Architects for Reef Guest House, Bahrain
President’s Award Special CommendationValentino Architects for threeplusone
Quality Architecture AwardMJMDA for Limber Lattice
Urban Regeneration AwardPeriti at GHRC and MTIP for Triton Square & Fountain Project
Housing Project AwardValentino Architects for threeplusone
International Project AwardChris Briffa Architects for Reef Guest House, Bahrain
Emerging Practice Special CommendationArchi+
Interior Spaces AwardMMK Studio for Qormi Industrial Minimalist Home
Interior Spaces Special CommendationForward Architects for AX Rosselli Privilege
M. Arch. Thesis Project AwardMartina Cutajar for Chance and Order in Architectural Production
M. Arch. Dissertation AwardAndrew Borg Wirth for True Thick and Thin: Architecture as an Implication
M. Eng. Thesis Project AwardEmmanuel Bonello for The Sea Maiden
M. Eng. Dissertation AwardLucia Calleja for Auxetics in Architecture: A Study on Geometry and Topology



The Council also awarded a posthumous Lifetime Achievement Award to Emanuele Luigi Galizia, one of the most prolific and important architects of 19th century Malta, and after whom the Awards are named. The Award was received by Mr Francis Galea Naudi and Mr Rob Galea, who are direct descendants of Galizia.

This year’s Premju Galizia was sponsored by JM Vassallo Vibro Steel Ltd and Satariano, and supported by Brands International Ltd, Halmann Vella, Vivendo Group, AX Group, Bathroom Design Malta, Creations, Light Design Solutions and The Farsons Foundation.



Notes to press:

  1. A full press pack has been sent out to the press. Please contact us on for more information.
  2. Photographers of the winning projects and events are to be credited when published
  3. Our main sponsors, J.M. Vibro Steel Limited (JMV) and Satariano, are to be mentioned in all reporting regarding the event.
  4. Further information about the Awards can be found here:
  5. Further information about Emanuele Luigi Galizia can be found here:




PR 23/19 | Kamra tal-Periti marks the centenary of the Architects’ Ordinance with the 2019 edition of the Premju Emanuele Luigi Galizia

Verzjoni bil-Malti

It was on the 25th July 1919 that Herbert Plumer, then Governor of Malta, brought into force the Architects’ Ordinance, which governed the profession of Land Surveyor and Architect and paved the way for the establishment of the profession of Architect and Civil Engineer (Perit) as we know it today. This year, the Kamra tal-Periti is therefore celebrating the 100th anniversary of the Ordinance, and is marking this special occasion with the second edition of its Premju Emanuele Luigi Galizia.

The Premju Galizia was first launched in 2018, the culmination of a long-held ambition of the Kamra to award excellence in architecture, civil engineering, urban regeneration and interior design. In this year’s edition, the Kamra is once again also awarding the best emerging practice, as well as launching two new categories, one for multiple dwelling projects having three or more units, and one for the best international project carried out by a locally warranted perit.

Following a shortlisting process which took place earlier this month, the finalists will now present their projects to various panels of judges. The 2018 cohort of graduates of the Faculty for the Built Environment will also be presenting their Master of Architecture and Master of Engineering theses and dissertations, after also having gone through a shortlisting process last October. The presentations are open to the public and will be held at the Phoenicia Hotel between Monday 22nd and Wednesday 24th July as per the program at this link:

The final Awards will be presented during a Gala Dinner to be held on the 25th July 2019, which will also be accompanied by an outdoor exhibition of the finalist projects which will be installed near the Christ the King monument in Floriana, and which will remain open until the 2nd August 2019.

This year’s Premju Galizia is sponsored by JM Vassallo Vibro Steel Ltd and Satariano, and supported by Brands International Ltd, Halmann Vella, Vivendo Group, AX Group, Bathroom Design Malta, Creations, Light Design Solutions and Simonds Farsons Cisk.


Notes to press:

The press are invited to attend the public presentation sessions which will be held as per the program at this link: It would be appreciated if you could include this link in your reporting to encourage the public to attend.

Further information about the Awards including the 2019 finalists can be found here:

Last year’s winners can be viewed here: